I have been collecting and gaming since 1998 and like many before me I have set out to collect the entire Ultramarines chapter.
The Entire Chapter
Progress so far
2nd Company blues
The first part of this was a substantial order of Forge World items. I literally went through counting legs and built from that. The Forge World parts are really nice, detailed and add a lot of variety, but in retrospect I wish I had not chosen the legion assault packs, as although I got some of the really cool jump packs with turbines and great close combat weapons I also ended up with running legs and torsos that have the harnesses modelled on.
I find that the Forge World resin is tricky to work with and that really slowed down the rate at which I have been putting together marines. I am using some high strength super glue Zap-a-Gap and it is the best I have found so far for what I am doing but needs to be handled with care and the parts need washing, there are no short-cuts working with it.
It also takes a fair bit of time deciding what parts to use and where I can and should make compromises. For example, while all of the special weapons are right, they are not necessarily the right variant. I am using Godwyn pattern bolters as I did not want to push up the cost even more with the bolter packs.
At this point I am about half way through assembling the company and it is one of the ones I am really looking forward to painting.
Working like a grot
Just a quick snap of my work area. I have just finished assembling 8th company and am grabbing a break before I finish 1st and 10th
Links with Lincoln
All nighter
So the shear volume of Marines I have to put together have been taking their toll. After 3 days of clipping and sticking I have had a day of family time, but it wasn't too long before I found myself back at my desk working away as I try to pull together units for airbrushing tomorrow (or is that now today?). I was just going to sort a couple of bits... Well now it is after 3 in the morning. 9th Company is finished to my satisfaction and 8th is much further on than I thought it was. So with three days to go it looks like I only have about 100 Marines to finish!
I just need to be sure about the parts I need for the 2nd before I do any more with that and I need 1 more command squad for the 1st although I mainly need it for the banner.
Hobby Holiday
We march for Mcragge!
Venerable Dread
There are two variants of power fist, Storm Bolter and Flamer as you would expect and 3 main weapon options including a Plasma cannon, Lascannon and the stalwart assault cannon.